In a dystopian world, Aymon Kriegsschaten, with a unique non-combat talent, challenges norms at the Institut de l'Éclat Astral. Assigned to the non-combat class, he seeks to bring those from the combat class to his feet. His one and only goal is perfection. Watch as he transcends the norm and becomes a Shatter Bringer.
For Kim, his village was and meant everything to him. In a post apocalyptic world where everything was uncertain, this was better. This was home. Until that day the wounded priest came.
Upon the discovery of Magic, Earth was thrown to a never ending World War. Otsuka Takumi, an Infantry Mage of the Asian Magitech Coalition, was sent to the forefront of the war where he met with his demise.
However, Takumi's death does not spell the end of his journey. He awakens in a hospital and finds himself in a world not too different to the stories and pictures from his childhood when Earth was not ravaged by war. Albeit Takumi notices that something was different and yet familiar and that is that Magic exists in this world and this world also has dungeons and a leveling system! Takumi finds himself in a tough spot when this said magic is very different from what he knows and that he he discovered that he is starting from level 1.
He now must navigate a society where dungeons are normal and one's skill is measured by levels.
When you look up at the starry sky;
Have you ever questioned;
Under the starry sky are us,
So what is above the starry sky?
Do they exist;
How civilizations collide and blend.
When you immerse yourself in the online world every day;
Is there also confusion;
What you see is what you want to see;
Is there still someone who wants you to see?
We live in a fortunate era;
The rapid development of technology and intelligent networks;
We enjoy all of this;
And all of this is also eroding us;
Perhaps in the future,
we will be Marionettes controlled by the internet!
The story of Akihiko Takanashi a young male in Kyoto japan this story is centered around this young man who has a strong sense of justice and comes into power of the unseen void and gets entangled in the unknown war between the divine realm and the infernal void read on as Akihiko takes on the name Akuma and changes the world as we know it.
"Ginga no Ikari: Kaito no Ketsui" is a thrilling shonen saga that combines heart-pounding action, deep moral dilemmas, and the timeless struggle between light and darkness. Join Kaito on his epic journey as he battles inner demons, forges unbreakable bonds, and ultimately discovers the true meaning of heroism and sacrifice.